MHA Dual Graduate Student Recognized by National Association of Health Service Executives

Nialah Sharp, a dual Master of Health Administration and Master of Science in Health Informatics and Analytics student (and 2019 BSPH alumna) is the 2019 recipient of the Haynes Rice Award. The Haynes Rice Award is bestowed by NAHSE, the National Association of Health Service Executives, to outstanding graduate students who are striving to become future leaders in Healthcare Management and NAHSE. Nialah will use this scholarship to support her as a black female executive working to impact healthcare access and quality of care for all.
In addition to being an active student member of both ACHE (the American College of Healthcare Executives) and NASHE Nialah is an Operations Fellow for White Coats Black Doctors, an organization established to support and empower future black physicians. She is dedicated to reaching back and helping other young minorities pursuing healthcare related careers to reach their ultimate potential. Nialah is committed to working to close health disparity gaps and empowering minority communities so that they all have access to high quality healthcare. She is an advocate for increasing diversity within healthcare toward improving quality of care for all.
Nialah is beyond grateful for the support she has received from NAHSE while on her path to becoming a black healthcare professional. After-graduation, Nialah plans to pursue a fellowship and eventually work within a large health system. She hopes to one day open her own community health clinic that will focus on integrative medicine approaches and to continue to be a positive representative of UNC Charlotte through her accomplishments.