Internship Course


Before entering into an internship for credit (HCIP 6400), students must have completed at least 12 hours of graduate coursework in the Health Informatics and Analytics program including HADM 6100 and HCIP 6380. It is recommended that students have completed 18-21 credit hours before starting an internship for credit. Ideally, students are advised to take the internship as one of the last courses. Students should plan for the internship at least one full semester before commencing it as many internship sites have substantial administrative prerequisites to complete before placement. For further details, contact Internship Instructor or the Program Director.


Students who have secured an internship placement must first fill out the Internship Proposal and Mentor Contact Form. Submitted proposals will be reviewed weekly by the Internship Instructor. Students will be contacted if additional information is needed. The Director of Student Services will issue an authorization to register for HCIP 6400 if and when the proposal is approved.

Please fill out the Internship Proposal below. Choose the semester in which you are planning to take the internship.

internship faqs

Who places students in internships?

While the ultimate responsibility for finding an internship lies with you, the School of Data Science is here to support you every step of the way! Here’s how we can assist you:

  • Resume Book: At the semester’s start, eligible students actively seeking internships can submit their resumes to our resume book. This book is then distributed to industry partners and potential employers for their consideration.
  • Job Postings & Events: We regularly share internship opportunities and information about recruitment sessions directly with students via email.
  • Professional Development: We strongly encourage participation in events that can enhance your candidacy, such as professional seminars, networking opportunities, training sessions, Career Center Meet-Ups, and the Women in Data Science Conference.
Are internships paid?

It depends on the organization, but usually graduate students seeking a placement are paid. 

If I am currently employed, how do I complete the internship requirement?

Completing a capstone is a requirement for graduation.  If a student selects the Internshipwhile working full-time they traditionally follow one of three paths:

  1. Project with an Existing Team: Students coordinated with their employers to work with an existing data analytics unit within their company.
  2. Individual Project: Students have developed a stand-alone “proof-of-concept” project in consultation with their supervisor or team.
  3. Community Partners: Students who lack access or team support within their organization have offered their services to a local non-profit or community service organization.  These projects can be professionally rewarding but are more often than not unpaid/volunteer positions. 

Alternatively, students can complete the capstone project via the HCIP 6250 – Problem Solving in Health Analytics.