Capstone Course

Problem Solving in Health Analytics (HCIP 6250)

The capstone is a hands-on course that allows you to showcase and refine your skills in managing personal health data, a crucial aspect of informing healthcare decisions. It can be an alternative to the traditional internship.

The course focuses on the key areas you’ll need to succeed in the Health Informatics and Analytics field:

  • Data Management: Learn to curate and integrate data from various sources, including personal health monitoring devices.
  • Data Analysis and Visualization: Conduct meaningful analysis, create clear visualizations, and effectively interpret the results.
  • Technical Skills: Gain experience using both open-source and proprietary data analysis tools.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Work effectively in teams, applying project management principles.
  • Professional Development: Prepare for the workforce by building your professional portfolio and honing your resume.

This course is designed to simulate real-world projects under the guidance of an instructor. Students will work on team-based projects that require formulating health-related questions, extracting and analyzing data, and presenting findings.

Please note: Permission from the instructor is required to register for this capstone course, typically offered in the final semester of the program.

Capstone FAqs

Who can take HCIP 6250?

Students enrolled in the final semester of the Health Informatics and Analytics Master’s program who have instructor permission.

Is this course offered online or in person?

The format of the course may vary depending on the semester. Traditionally it is offered in a face-to-face hybrid format. Please refer to the course syllabus for specific details.

How do I register for HCIP 6250?

You will need to obtain permission from the instructor before registering for the course. Contact the instructor directly to discuss your eligibility and interest.

Can I take the class as an elective rather than a capstone course?

Yes, with the permission of the instructor or program director.

When should I take the course?

Yes, with the permission of the instructor or program director.